A Scattering is available from: 

Available from Blackwells as paperback: Blackwells

also from Waterstones: Waterstones

And on Amazon as paperback and ebook. https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/A-Scattering-Audiobook/B0B75PQ18G?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp&shareTest=TestShare

A Scattering is now available as an audiobook. Beautifully narrated by Eilidh Beaton, who brings the story and characters alive.



In Highland Scotland in 1850, Catriona lives life to the rhythm of seasons and Gaelic songs, until a dramatic change of circumstance forces her to fight for everyone and everything she loves. 

Years later Rose, an artist, trying to make sense of her fractured family and her own restlessness, searches among the ruins of a deserted landscape.

Does the answer lie in the injustices of the past?